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चल मर्दाने-Harivanshrai Bachchan

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चल मर्दाने-Harivanshrai Bachchan

चल मरदाने, सीना ताने,
हाथ हिलाते, पांव बढाते,
मन मुस्काते, गाते गीत ।

एक हमारा देश, हमारा
वेश, हमारी कौम, हमारी
मंज़िल, हम किससे भयभीत ।

चल मरदाने, सीना ताने,
हाथ हिलाते, पांव बढाते,
मन मुस्काते, गाते गीत ।

हम भारत की अमर जवानी,
सागर की लहरें लासानी,
गंग-जमुन के निर्मल पानी,
हिमगिरि की ऊंची पेशानी
सबके प्रेरक, रक्षक, मीत ।

चल मरदाने, सीना ताने,
हाथ हिलाते, पांव बढाते,
मन मुस्काते, गाते गीत ।

जग के पथ पर जो न रुकेगा,
जो न झुकेगा, जो न मुडेगा,
उसका जीवन, उसकी जीत ।
चल मरदाने, सीना ताने,
हाथ हिलाते, पांव बढाते,
मन मुस्काते, गाते गीत ।


Come on man, raise your chest,
Waving hands, moving legs,
Heart smiling, singing songs.

one our country, our
disguise, our community, our
Destination, what are we afraid of?

Come on man, raise your chest,
Waving hands, moving legs,
Heart smiling, singing songs.

We are the immortal youth of India,
Ocean waves lasani,
The pure waters of Ganga-Jamun,
Himgiri’s high forehead
Everyone’s inspiration, protector, friend.

Come on man, raise your chest,
Waving hands, moving legs,
Heart smiling, singing songs.

Who will not stop on the path of the world,
Who will not bow, who will not turn,
His life, his victory.
Come on man, raise your chest,
Waving hands, moving legs,
Heart smiling, singing songs.


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