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Grant’s Gazelle

Grant’s Gazelle sculpture

Wells Dr, St. Louis, MO 63110, United States

Grant’s gazelle (Nanger granti) is a relatively large species of gazelle antelope, distributed from northern Tanzania to South Sudan and Ethiopia, and from the Kenyan coast to Lake Victoria. Its Swahili name is swala granti. It was named for a 19th-century British explorer, James Grant.

Taxonomy and genetics

Grant’s gazelle is genetically related to Soemmerring’s gazelle (N. soemmerringii) and Thomson’s gazelle (Eudorcas thomsonii) with Soemmering’s gazelle being the closer relative. Grant’s gazelle shows high genetic variation among its populations, although there is no geographic isolation.

The differentiation of the species may have evolved during repeated expansion and contraction of arid habitats during the late Pleistocene era in which populations were possibly isolated. Grant’s gazelle was formerly considered a member of the genus Gazella within the subgenus Nanger before Nanger was elevated to genus status. In 2021, the American Society of Mammalogists granted full species status to Bright’s gazelle (Nanger notatus) and the Peters’s gazelle (Nanger petersii).

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