The Indigenous peoples in Bolivia or Native Bolivians (Spanish: Bolivianos Nativos) are Bolivians who have predominantly or total Amerindian ancestry. They constitute anywhere from 20 to 60% of Bolivia’s population of 11,306,341, depending on different estimates, and depending notably on the choice Mestizo being available as an answer in a given census, in which case the majority of the population identify as mestizo, and they belong to 36 recognized ethnic groups. Aymara and Quechua are the largest groups. The geography of Bolivia includes the Andes, the Gran Chaco, the Yungas, the Chiquitania and the Amazon Rainforest.
Precolumbian cultures
. Tiwanaku, 300–1000 AD
. Mollo culture, 1000–1500 AD
. Lupaca
. Charca people
. Payaguá people
. Uru-Murato
Contemporary groups
. Araona (Cavina)
. Aymara, Andes
. Ayoreo, Gran Chaco
. Baure, Beni Department
. Borôro, Santa Cruz Department
. Callawalla, Andes
. Canichana (Kanichana), lowlands
. Cavineños, northern Bolivia
. Cayubaba (Cayuvava, Cayuwaba), Beni Department
. Chácobo, northwest Beni Department
. Chané (Izoceño), Santa Cruz Department
. Chipaya (Puquina), Oruro Department
. Chiquitano (Chiquito, Tarapecosi), Santa Cruz Department
. Ese Ejja (Ese Exa, Huarayo, Tiatinagua), northwest Bolivia
. Guaraní, Eastern Bolivian Guarani or Chiriguano
. Guarayu
. Guató
. Ignaciano (Moxo), Beni
. Itene (Iteneo, Itenez), Beni
. Itonama (Machoto, Saramo)
. Kolla
. Jorá (Hora)
. Leco (Rik’a), east Lake Titicaca
. Machinere (Maxinéri), Pando Department
. Movima, Beni
. Nivaclé, Ashlushlay, Axluslay, Chulupí, Gran Chaco
. Pacahuara (Pacawara), Beni
. Paunaka (Pauna), Ñuflo de Suarez
. Pauserna (Guarayu-Ta, Paucerne, Pauserna-Guarasugwé), Beni
. Quechua (Kichua), Bolivia
. Reyesano (Maropa, San Borjano), Beni
. Saraveca, Santa Cruz
. Shinabo (Mbia Chee, Mbya)
. Sirionó (Miá), Beni and Santa Cruz
. Tacana (Takana), La Paz Department
. Tapieté (Guasurango, Ñanagua, Tirumbae, Yanaigua), Tarija Department
. Toba (Qom), Tarija Department
. Toromona (Toromono), La Paz Department
. Trinitario (Mojos, Moxos), Beni
. Tsimané (Chimané, Mosetén), Beni
. Uru (Iru-Itu, Morato, Muratu), Oruro Department
. Wichí (Noctén, Noctenes, Oktenai, Weenhayek), Tarija Department
. Yaminawá (Jaminawa, Yamanawa, Yaminahua), Pando Department
. Yuqui (Bia, Yuki)
. Yuracare (Yura), Beni and Cochabamba Departments
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