Our services
Take a look at our services
Crew Management
Crewing is one of the most crucial aspect in any shipping organization. The selection and recruitment process are above the standard and we take pride in encouraging and developing our seafarers in order to improve their career prospect. Our management team is supported by our manning offices from Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Myanmar who recruit skilled seafarers with the right mindset, expertise, experience and qualifications.
Crew Certification
All cargo and passenger ships with a gross tonnage of or above 500 engaged in international trade must be MLC certified. All other cargo and passenger ships can choose to be voluntarily certified.
Maritime Labour Certificate
The classification societies (ROs) issue the MLC certificate to all cargo ships in class and the Danish Maritime Authority issues it to passenger ships and cargo ships not in class.
Cargo ships in class
Contact the classification society of the ship for an MLC survey as well as certification
Send an application to the Danish Maritime Authority for being issued with a DMLC, part I
Ship Management
We offers wide array of technical know-how in terms of consultancy, supervision and problem solution. Operating vessels are ensured to be meet specific operational and maintenance requirement as set by statutory body, recognized organization and charterer.
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